Our Verdict

Our Verdict

Known for its focus on portfolio management, this platform is designed to handle complex projects across large organizations. It excels in providing detailed insights into project performance, resource allocation, and strategic planning. The platform's robust analytics and reporting tools make it ideal for organizations looking to align their projects with broader business objectives.

Smaller teams or those managing simpler projects might find the platform overwhelming due to its extensive capabilities. It’s particularly effective for enterprises needing a comprehensive solution for managing multiple, large-scale projects but could be excessive for teams seeking a more lightweight, intuitive tool.
  • Customization
  • Portfolio management
  • Capacity planning
  • Takes time to master
  • Slow at times
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Amazon S3, Asana, Awesome Screenshot, Azure Active Directory
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streamlining project desicison-making
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Why we like it

This cloud-based management software offers portfolio and project management solutions. Planisware is a user-friendly interface allowing for easy management of all ready including generating reports, tracking progress, and even monitoring resource allocation and utilization. We’ve found that there are two offerings from Planisware, Orchestra and Enterprise, each of which are designed to help organizations.
As such, pricing of Planisware really depends on the organization and their specific needs. Companies will need to get in touch directly to find out more here. However, it is fully flexible and customizable, the latter feature something we always like to see in a management solution. Planisware actually takes customization to the next level in our opinion, offering companies an array of options from resource allocation in hours, or days and more. For those looking for hugely detailed task management in large companies with an IT or tech-based industry, Planisware could be the answer.

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